Residual aqueous fraction of ethulia conyzoides L. extract regulates liver and kidney functions and prevents pancreatic β-cells damage in high fat diet-streptozotocin Type 2 diabetes in rats

Autor: Makena, Wusa, Omasan Okotie, Helen, Isaac Dibal, Nathan, Ishaku, Barka, Anthony Bazabang, Sebastine
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Kanem Journal of Medical Sciences; Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022); 58-69
ISSN: 2006-4772
Popis: Complications of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) include hypertension, oxidative stress, liver disease, and kidney disease. These complications are the main cause of death and disability in diabetic patients. Objective: The study investigated the effect of residual aqueous fraction of Ethulia conyzoides L. extract on liver and kidney function as well as the histology of liver, kidney, and pancreatic islets of type 2 diabetic rats. Methodology: Thirty-six rats were divided into six groups (n=6). Group I (non-diabetic rats) and II (diabetic control) were given feed and water only. Groups III-V were treated with 100mg/kg, 200mg/kg, and 400mg/kg Ethulia conyzoides L. while group VI received 100mg/kg metformin for 28 days. The liver and kidney function were evaluated while the liver, pancreas, and kidney were processed for light microscopy. Results: Asignificant reduction (P
Databáze: OpenAIRE