BLUP and Stability Analysis of Multi- Environment Trials in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) Genotypes under Rainfed Condition of Ethiopia

Autor: Funga, Assefa, Girma, Nigusie, Korbu, Lijalem, Bekele, Dagnachew, Mohammad, Ridwan, Hailu, Fasil, Mengistu, Genet, Fedlu, Amin, Hailu, Abebe, Kefelegn, Nigusie, Tadesse, Tadele, Goa, Yasin, Fikre, Asnake
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Ethiopian Journal of Crop Science; Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022); 95-112
ISSN: 2072-8506
Popis: Twenty-five lentil genotypes including the check varieties were evaluated each over three seasons (2016 – 2018) at 8 locations (Akaki, Chefe Donsa, Dabat, Debre Zeit, Enewari, Hosanna, Kokate, Sinana) resulting in 11 environments in randomized completely block design with row column information. A factor analytic model was fitted to the pattern of genotype by environment (GxE) interaction using R ASReml package and predicted yield (t/ha-) values for all genotypes under evaluation were obtained. The model adequately explained 90.6% of the GxE variance at an FA-2 of yield data. Environment and genotype evaluation based on GGE biplots has revealed a number of discriminative and representative environments while identifying ideal and high performing genotypes. Environment Db18LN was most discriminating followed by EN17LN, SN18LN and DZ16LP, whereas CD16LP and DZ16LP were found to be representative test site. Genotypes 6(DZ-2012-Ln-0218) was identified as high yielder and stable than other test genotypes and proposed for verification in the year 2020 for release as new variety and in the year 2021 it then registered with variety name “Furi” on the national catalogue of Ministry of Agriculture of the country.
Databáze: OpenAIRE