Implementation of pozzolanic cement based on activated natural clay (ecocement): technical challenges and normative aspect

Autor: Ganon, François, Bobet, Ouanmini, Djinet, Alain Ignassou, Tarkodjiel, Mianpereum
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences; Vol. 16 No. 5 (2022); 2372-2383
ISSN: 1991-8631
Popis: Currently, portland cement is the reference in cement; moreover, it has the advantage to be model. However, obtaining the characteristics required for cement imperatively requires the adoption and optimization of its formulation to the requirements appropriated to the word and its environment. The aim of this work was to develop and optimize a composition of a pozzolanic cement (eco-cement) using active additives (activated clay TIT1) in variable proportion. It will be a question of studying the characteristics of the various cements formulated as well as their implementation, in order to lead to some improvements concerning : the economy, the chemical, physico-chemical properties and the mechanical behavior.
Databáze: OpenAIRE