Tolerance of egusi-melon [Citrillus colocynthis (L.) schrad] and susceptibility of weeds to Primextra doses

Autor: Udensi, Udensi E., Onome, Egbage, Sunday, Omovbude
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Biosciences; Vol 110 (2017); 10747-10760
ISSN: 1997-5902
Popis: Objective: The study was to evaluate melon tolerance and weeds susceptibility to Primextra {Primextra- Gold 660g/L (atrazine (370g/l) + S-metolachlor (290 g/l SC)}.Methodology and results: The Field studies were conducted in 2013 and 2014 planting seasons at Faculty of Agriculture Farm, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, (latitude 04o 54 538’N, and longitude 006o 55 329’E; 17m above sea level), Nigeria. Seven rates of primextra (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.98 kg ai ha-1), applied as pre-emergence were compared with a untreated control (no primextra).The 8 treatments were fitted into a Randomized Complete Block Design, replicated three times. Melon was planted 3 seeds per hole at a spacing of 1m ×0.5m (20,000plants/ha). Result from this study showed that both melon and weeds were susceptible to all Primextra rates but melon tolerated low doses of Primextra in the range of 0.25 – 0.75 kg ai//ha than higher rates. Weeds were more susceptible to higher Primextra rates between 1.0 and 1.98 g ai/ha. Susceptibility of weeds to Primextra rates of 0.25 – 0.75 kg ai /ha and 1.0 – 1.98 kg ai/ha accounted for about 76.2 % and 74 % weed control efficiency respectively. Results also showed that melon tolerated Primextra doses of 0.25 to 0.75 kg ai /ha and thus reached a mean ground cover of F 40 % to F 80 % when compared to the untreated plot. Melon fruit yield from the Primextra treated plots had about 23.5% (1659 Kg/ha) yield advantage over the untreated control plot (1269kg/ha). Mean fruit yield with the herbicide rates were as follows: 1959.5 kg/ha (0.25- 0.75 kg ai/ha); 1430 kg/ha (1.0 – 1.98 kg ai/ha) and 974.5kg/ha (1.50 -1.98 kg ai/ha). Susceptibility of weeds to Primextra increased as application dose increased. The implication of this result is that melon may find a tolerable dose of Primextra-Gold for integration in maize-melon cropping systems.Conclusion and application of results: Farmers can intercrop either simultaneously egusi-melon with maize or relay egusi-melon into maize and use primextra for pre-emergence weed control, at a dose not greater than 0.25-0.75 kg ai/ha for good yield and acceptable weed control. This can be applied in maize-melon cropping systems with melon either simultaneously or in relayed intercropping to reduce the effect manual weeding on melon especially during flowering and fruiting.Keywords: PrimextraGold, melon, Tolerance, weed
Databáze: OpenAIRE