Establishment potential of Elgon Olive (Olea welwitschii (Knobl.) Gilg & Schellenb) seedlings propagated using stem cuttings and seeds

Autor: Maduka, S M, Chamshama, S A O, Msogoya, T J
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation; Vol 87, No 1 (2017)
ISSN: 2408-8129
Popis: Large-scale planting of Olea welwitschiihas been hampered by availability ofviable seeds. This study compared theestablishment potential of seedlingspropagated using stem cuttings and seedsbased on their morphological qualitycharacteristics and initial field growthperformance. Five seedlings from eachpropagation method were subjected todestructive sampling for assessmentmorphological qualities based on shootheight, Root Collar Diameter (RCD), rootand shoot fresh and oven-dry weight. Fieldexperiment was laid out with threereplications in complete randomized blockdesign with 10 seedlings per replication atspacing of 3 x 3 m line plots forassessment of establishment potentialbased on height, RCD and survival atplanting and after field establishment.Results indicated that RCD (p = 0.001),root fresh weight (p = 0.0036) and root dryweight (p = 0.0279) of seedlingspropagated from stem cuttings weresignificantly higher than those propagatedfrom seeds. Three months after fieldestablishment, seedlings propagated fromstem cuttings had significantly (p
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