Changes in smoking during a community-based cardiovascular disease intervention programme - The Coronary Risk Factor Study

Autor: Steenkamp, H.J., Jooste, P.L., Jordaan, P.C.J., Swanepoel, A.S.P., Rossouw, J.E.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: South African Medical Journal; Vol 79, No 3 (1991); 250-253
ISSN: 2078-5135
Popis: A prospective anti-smoking clinical trial was conducted as part of a coronary risk factor Intervention study in three rural South African communities in the south western Cape over a period of 4 years. The aim of the part of the study was to reduce smoklng rates in two of the communities through application of high- and low-intensity intervention. The effect was evaluated by examining the net change in smoking habits, which was defined as the residual change in the intervention areas after allowing for change in the reference area. This paper presents the analyses of the estimated effect of the programme on the cohort aged 15 - 64 years at baseline who participated in the two surveys (4087 subjects). The intervention programme among men in the high-intensity intervention area resulted in a reduction of 8,4% in smoking rates and 13.0% in the amount smoked per day. Among women in this area there was a reduction of 30,6% in smoking rates and 20,5% in amount smoked. Smoking and the amount smoked per day also decreased in the low-intensity intervention area, but less so than in the high-lntensity intervention area. Smoking quit rates were strongly " associated with initial smoking level, with light smokers being significanty more successful quitters than heavy smokers. The study has proved that a community based intervention programme can effectively reduce smoking.
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