Africa’s neglected area of human resources for health research – the way forward

Autor: IJsselmuiden, C, Marais, DL, Becerra-Posada, F, Ghannem, H
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: South African Medical Journal; Vol 102, No 4 (2012)
ISSN: 2078-5135
Popis: Building the skills for doing, managing and delivering healthresearch is essential for every country’s development. Yet humanresources for health research (HRHR) are seldom considered inAfrica and elsewhere. Africa’s health research capacity has grownconsiderably, with potential to increase this growth. However, asystemic way of defining, co-ordinating and growing the HRHRneeded to support health systems development is missing.Reviewing the status of HRHR in Africa, we assert that it consistsof unco-ordinated, small-scale activities, primarily driven fromoutside Africa. We present examples of ongoing HRHR capacitybuilding initiatives in Africa. There is no overarching framework, strategy or body for African countries to optimise research support and capacity in HRHR. A simple model is presented to help countries plan and strategisefor a comprehensive approach to research capacity strengthening.Everyone engaged with global, regional and national researchfor health enterprises must proactively address human resourceplanning for health research in Africa. Unless this is made explicitin global and national agendas, Africa will remain only an interestedspectator in the decisions, prioritisation, funding allocations,conduct and interpretation, and in the institutional, economic andsocial benefits of health research, rather than owning and drivingits own health research agendas.
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