Effects of aqueous extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces on haematological characteristics of Rattus novergicus

Autor: Ejere, VC, Nnamonu, DI, Chukwuka, CO, Ugwu, GD, Ejim, AO, Asogwa, CN
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Animal Research International; Vol 10, No 3 (2013); 1809 – 1816
ISSN: 1597-3115
Popis: The effect of aqueous extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces on the haematological profile of normal male albino rats was investigated for 28 days using standard methods. The rats were divided into five groups comprising of the control group, I; which received equal volume of distilled water and four treatment groups, II, III, IV and V that were administered orally, 100mg.kg-1, 200mg.kg-1, 400mg.kg-1 and 800mg.kg-1 body weight respectively. The serum levels of total white blood cell (WBC), haemoglobin content (Hb), pack cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC), mean cell haemoglobin (MCH), mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and mean cell volume (MCV) were determined weekly using blood collected from the rats through the ocular puncture method. The mean serum levels of WBC, Hb, PCV, RBC, MCH, MCHC and MCV ranged from 4498.00 ± 1.16 to 20666.67 ± 1763.83; 4.99 ± 0.01 to 17.90 ± 0.61; 14.99 ± 0.01 to 53.67 ± 1.86; 323.33 ±12.02 to 700.00 ± 110.15; 0.01 ± 0.00 to 0.37 ± 0.00; 33.27 ± 0.08 to 33.36 ± 0.04 and 0.10 ± 0.04 to 3.76 ± 2.93, respectively. Whereas there was no significant difference (p0.05) was observed in the remaining haematological parameters of the rats treated with the aqueous extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces. The ability of the extract to increase Hb, PCV, RBC and its indices suggests possible usefulness of the extract in treating anaemia.Keywords: Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces, Aqueous extract, Haematological parameters, Albino rats
Databáze: OpenAIRE