Polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma of the palate a case report

Autor: Ranjan, R, Belludi, SA, Pati, SR
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Nigerian Dental Journal; Vol 22, No 1 (2014); 47-51
ISSN: 0189-1006
Popis: Polymorphous low grade adenocardnoma (PLGA} Is a rare, slow growing malignant neoplasm with a propensity to arise predominantly from minor salivary glands. It is exclusively observed In the soft and hard palate regions, exhibiting an Indolent biology. A 31 yr old male who cameto the department of Periodontics for a routine deaning of teeth was Incidentally detected with a painless swelling on the palatal 26, 27 region. Histopathologlcal, immunohistochemical, radiographic and CBCT (Cone beam computed tomography) Investigations aided In deriving at a final diagnosis of Polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma. The piezoelectric unit was used to excise the mass with no further metastasis or Involvement of the palatal vault. The site of excision healed uneventfully and the hlstopathologlcal report of the excised mass showed no signs of nerve Involvement. This tumor is not only a rare lesion but also depicts a similar clinical picture of that of a benign neoplasm, thus poses as a diagnostic dilemma to the clinician.Key words: lmmuohistodiemistry, low-grade adenoc-arcinoma., polymorphous. palate, salivary gland, tumors
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