Synchronous bilateral ureteral ligation and urinary bladder injuries following emergency hysterectomies: Early surgical intervention is a resuscitatory measure

Autor: Obiesie, E.A, Orakwe, D.E, Nwadi, U.V, Nwofor, A.M.E, Oranusi, C.K, Mbaeri, T.U, Abiahu, J.A, Onu, O.A, Odo, C, Agbanu, C.M, Mbonu, O.O
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Afrimedic Journal; Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022); 42-46
ISSN: 2141-162X
Popis: Synchronous iatrogenic ureteral and bladder injuriesfollowing emergency pelvic surgeries, thoughuncommon, cause morbidities and mortalities. Theyare potential causes of severe and debilitatingobstructive nephropathies as well as avoidablelitigations in surgical practice. Delay at initiatingsurgical treatment worsens outcome. Management isextremely challenging with attendant complications.We report two cases of iatrogenic bilateral ureteralligation with synchronous posterior urinary bladderlacerations. Both patients developed anuria at theimmediate post-operative period, with worseningbilateral flank pains, abdominal distension, leakageof urine per vaginam and poor performance status.Both patients were uremic. Emergency exploratorylaparotomies were done, with release of ligatures,stenting of both ureters and repair of bladder wall.Accurate diagnosis with early surgical intervention islifesaving.
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