Anomalie de développement sexuel : un cas de pseudohermaphrodisme masculin ou anomalie de développement sexuel

Autor: Folligan, K, Moumouni, H, Laleye, A, Koffi, KS, Yao, GV, Adjagba, M, James, YE, Anoukoum, T, Akakpo-Numado, G, Hazemdji-Nimtche, H, Defolo, A, Darre, T, Amegbor, K, Boukari, BS, Darboux, RB
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l’Université de Lomé; Vol 14, No 1 (2012): Series D
ISSN: 1727-8651
Popis: The anomalies of the sexual development must be detected to the birth where they constitute an emergency neonatal. What is not often the case in the African countries where they can pass unobserved to the period neonatal because of their ignorance, their ignorance or the carelessness. We return in this present work a case of masculine pseudohermaphrodism or anomaly of development sexual XY. It was about a patient, of feminine social sex, that consulted at the age of 24 years for a primary amenorrhea. The echographia exam noted an absence of internal genitalia. The karyotype was of normal masculine type 46, XY. The analysis of this observation raises the carelessness, the ignorance or the ignorance of the parents facing a sexual ambiguousness where the choice arbitrary of the social sex according to the will of the parents without gait medical pose of heavy problems for this individual's insertion in the society.Keywords: masculine pseudohermaphrodism, anomaly of sexual development XY, karyotype, social sexJ. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo), 2012, Série D, 14(1) : 51-54
Databáze: OpenAIRE