Etude de l'insuffisance erectile dans une population d'hommes jeunes et sexuellement actifs au Burkina FasoStudy of erectile dysfuntion in a population of young and sexually active men in Burkina Faso

Autor: Kambou, T, Zango, B, Fongang, C, Sombie, I, Dao, B
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: African Journal of Urology; Vol 11, No 4 (2005): ; 310-318
ISSN: 1110-5704
Popis: Objective: This study was carried out among a young population of working men to determine the prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) in our environment and to evaluate the patients' knowledge about and attitude towards this problem. Patients and Methods : This study was based on a survey carried out on male subjects aged 18 and above over a period of six months. The survey was done during an annual medical check-up of men working in local companies and some civil servants. Those who agreed to participate in the investigation (855 men), had to complete two questionnaires: the 5-item questionnaire of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) evaluating the quality of erectile function and a questionnaire drawn up by our team with the aim of evaluating the participants' knowledge about and their attitude towards the problem of ED. The questionnaires were analyzed using the Epi info program. Results: The 855 subjects that took part in the investigation accounted for 80% of all men that had been asked to participate in the survey. The average age was 37,4 ± 9,1 years; more than two thirds of the participants (78%) were married and 69% were monogamous. The overall prevalence of ED was 47% and we noticed that it increased with age. Three risk factors were identified: age, arterial hypertension and hemorrhoidal disease. Age and arterial hypertension are classic risk factors for ED, while hemorrhoidal disease has so far not been considered as such. In our study, especially for the men interviewed, it has played an important role. 93,2% of the questioned subjects said that they would be ready to consult for ED, whereas in fact only 3,8% had taken medical advice.Conclusion: ED appears to be a real problem, also for younger men, in our environment. However the results of this study cannot be generalised and we are planning to undertake other studies based on the general population which will allow us to draw more valid conclusions and to better organize treatment of these patient. RsumObjectif: Notre tude avait pour objectif de dterminer la prvalence de l'insuffisance rectile (IE) dans notre environnement et d'valuer les connaissances et les attitudes des sujets qui en souffrent. Mthodologie: Il s'agissait d'une enqute transversale sur six mois concernant des sujets gs de 18 ans et plus du monde de travail, ralise au cours d'une visite annuelle des travailleurs des entreprises de la place et de quelques fonctionnaires. Les sujets ayant accept de participer l'enqute (855 hommes), avaient remplir deux questionnaires: la version 5 items de l'International Iindex of Erectile Function (IIEF5), qui value la fonction rectile et, un questionnaire labor par nous mme, dans le but d'valuer les connaissances et les attitudes des enquts, vis vis de l'IE. Les questionnaires ont ensuite t dpouills et analyss sur micro ordinateur l'aide du logiciel Epi info. Rsultats: Les 855 sujets qui ont particip l'enqute reprsentaient 80% de tous ceux qui ont t sollicits. L'ge moyen des enquts tait de 37,4 ± 9,1; plus des 2/3 (78%) taient maris et monogames dans 69%. La prvalence globale note tait de 47% et on a remarqu que celle-ci augmentait avec l'ge. Trois facteurs de risque ont t mis en exergue: l'ge, l'hypertension artrielle (HTA) et la maladie hmorrodaire. Si l'ge et l'HTA sont des facteurs de risque classiques, la maladie hmorrodaire l'est moins; par contre il a t beaucoup invoqu par de nombreux enquts. 93,2% des sujets interrogs seraient prts consulter pour IE, alors que seulement 3,8% l'avaient effectivement dj fait.Conclusion: L'insuffisance rectile s'est rvl comme un problme rel vcu dans notre environnement. Cependant nos rsultats ne peuvent pas tre gnraliss et nous envisageons d'autres tudes, en population gnrale, qui nous permettraient de tirer des enseignements et de mieux organiser la prise en charge de ces patients.African Journal of Urology Vol. 11(4) 2005: 310-318
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