Effect of yam types and mulch materials on soil physical properties, yam tuber yield and acceptability among Okun people Of Kogi State, Nigeria

Autor: Ogundare, S.K.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Agriculture and Environment; Vol. 18 No. 1 (2022); 61-69
ISSN: 2695-236X
Popis: Two field experiments were conducted at the farmers’ field in Ponyan, Yagba East Local Government of Kogi State to evaluate the effect of yam types and mulch materials on soil physical properties, tuber yield and yam acceptability among Okun people of Kogi State, Nigeria. The treatment includes three yam types (white yam (YTA), yellow yam (YTB) and water yam (YTC)) and three mulch materials ((MMG), white polythene (MMB) and black polythene (MMC) and` no mulch material plot as the control (NMM). The treatments were laid out in a 3 x4 Factorial arrangement in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Data collected were on vegetative growth (vine length, main growth diameter, number of branches and average branch length at 12 weeks after planting (WAP), Soil physical properties (soil temperature and soil moisture content) and Yam tuber characters (tuber size, length and width of tuber and tuber yield per ha). Results showed that water yam recorded the longest vine, thickest stem, highest number of leaves better than other yam types. Plots treated with mulch materials exhibited superior vegetative growth and tuber yield characters than the control plots irrespective of the yam types used. All the vegetative growth characters were best in plots with black polyethylene among the mulch plots. Black polythene conserved water and regulate the soil better that other mulch material used. In terms of pounded yam preparation; cultural acceptability; yam storability and yam marketability. White yam was the best and general accepted the by the people.
Databáze: OpenAIRE