Prevalence of mange infestation in smallholder pig farms in selected areas of Mpwapwa town, Tanzania

Autor: Nonga, HE, Lugendo, F
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Tanzania Veterinary Journal; Vol 30, No 1 (2015); 11-20
ISSN: 0856-1451
Popis: A cross sectional study was conducted between October 2015 and February 2016 to establish the prevalence of sarcoptic mange infestation and identify risk factors associated with the infestation in pigs kept by smallholder farmers in Mpwapwa town. A total of 22 households participated in the study. Questionnaires were administered to gather information on pig management and potential risk factors for mange mite infestation. This was complemented by researcher's examination of animals and environmental observation. A total number of 127 pigs were clinically examined and skin scrapping samples were collected for laboratory examination of sarcoptic mange mites. The majority of respondents were females (81.8%), had primary education (72.8%) and the household pigs herd size was 10 ± 14 (ranged between 1 and 60 pigs) which were crosses of either Landrace or Large White breed. Pigs were fed on non compounded feed that constituted maize bran, green leaves, pumpkins, potatoes and kitchen wastes. All the 33 (100%) grower pigs were stunted. The housing of pig and general management was poor. All the farms had pigs which were clinically positive for sarcoptic mange mite infestation however, laboratory results showed that 30 (23.6%) of the samples had Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis. Despite the fact that majority of the farmers (99.2%) reported controlling of mange using ivermection, 69.3% of them reported recurrence of the disease. It is conclude that sarcoptic mange mite infestation is a problem in pigs kept by smallholder pig farmers in Mpwapwa district. Therefore, education to farmers on better pig management and feeding coupled with good mange control measures may help to overcome the problem of mange infestation in Mpwapwa district.Key words: sarcoptic mange, pig management, diseases, smallholder farmers
Databáze: OpenAIRE