Metastatic choriocarcinoma presenting as advanced renal cell carcinoma: A case report

Autor: Salako, AA, Olajide, AO, Takure, AO, Sabageh, D, Arowolo, OA
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Vol 28, No 1 (2011); 70-73
ISSN: 0189-5117
Popis: Choriocarcinoma is an aggressive tumour arising as a malignant transformation of the gestational trophoblastic disease or rarely from the germ cells in the ovary and from testicular mixed germ cell tumour. Renal involvement due to Choriocarcinoma is rare we report here one of such rare cases. A 26yr old woman presented with painful right sided loin swelling with painless total haematuria of 3weeks duration .Abdominal Ultrasound and CT scan showed a solid Right kidney mass with a cystic component. She had right radical nephrectomy.Histopathological examination revealed metastatic choriocarcinoma. The challenges we faced in her management is highlightedand a brief review of literature on the subject is presented.
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