Antibacterial activities of three medicinal plants against some gastro-intestinal microorganisms

Autor: Ogu, GI, Madagwu, EC, Eboh, OJ
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences; Vol 7, No 3 (2011); 248 – 256
ISSN: 0794-4713
Popis: The in vitro antibacterial activity of aqueous (cold and hot water extract) and ethanolic leaf extracts of Bambusa vulgaris, Erigeron floribundus, and Fluerya aestuans were evaluated against clinical isolates of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella typhi, and Shigelladysentriae using agar well diffusion and broth dilution techniques respectively. Tetracycline was used as positive control antibiotics. The antibacterial assay showed that the three plants significantly inhibited all the test organisms at varying degrees. The ethanolic and hot aqueousextracts displayed greater antimicrobial activity than the cold extracts. The diameters of zones of inhibition of the plant extracts ranged from 7.8 - 15.5 mm for the ethanol extracts, 7.0 -12.0 mm and 5.0 - 8.5 mm for hot and cold aqueous extracts respectively depending on the test organisms.Their MIC values ranged from 31.25 – 125 mg/ml. The activities of the extracts were significantly lower (p
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