Maximum herd efficiency in meat production I. Optima for slaughter mass and replacement rate

Autor: Roux, CZ
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: South African Journal of Animal Science; Vol 22, No 1 (1992); 1-5
ISSN: 0375-1589
Popis: Profit rate for a meat production enterprise can be decomposed into the unit price for meat and herd efficiency. Optimal slaughter mass maximizesherd efficiency which, at its maximum,can be expressed in terms of a product of powers of growth and reproduction efficiencies. Likely regions of optimality for slaughter mass are indicated for cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens. Herd efficiency is tabled in terms of percentages of reproduction efficiency and the allometric slope between body mass and cumulate feed intake. Optimal replacement involves either the minimum or maximumrate that can be achieved, and depends on the relative costs and output involved in the keeping of different age classes of reproduction animals. Finally, the relationship between replacement rate and herd age structure is explained.Die winsverhoudingby vleisproduksiekan opgebreek word in die eenheidsprysvir vleis en in kuddedoeltreffendheid. Kuddedoeltreffendheidword deur 'n optimale slagmassagemaksimiseer,en kan by sy maksimum uitgedruk word as die produk van magte van groei- en reproduksiedoeltreffendhede.Die verwagte optimale gebiede vir slagmassa is vir beeste, skape, varke en hoenders afgelei. Kuddedoeltreffendheidword getabelleer in 'terme van persentasies van reproduksiedoeltreffendheid en die allometriese helling tussen liggaamsmassa en geakkumuleerde voerinname. Optimale vervanging behels haalbare minimum of maksimumtempo's en berus op die relatiewe kostes en produksie wat aan verskillende ouderdomgroepe teeldiere verbonde is. Die verwantskap tussen vervangingstempo en kuddeouderdomstruktuurword aangedui.
Databáze: OpenAIRE