Improved Financial Probity in the Health Sector Following the WHO Reforms in Zambia

Autor: Sikazwe, A, Musumali, M, Siboonde, M, Chime, JK, Chabala, R, Mufunda, J
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Medical Journal of Zambia; Vol 43, No 2 (2016); 109-112
ISSN: 0047-651X
Popis: Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) Reform emphasizes strict adherence to two procedures for disbursements of resources allocated to all the 196 member states as per approval from the World Health Assembly. Direct financial cooperation (DFC) are transactions where funds are transferred to government and concluded in three months after completion of activity. Direct implementation is the procedure when the WHO pays on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) for implementation of processes concluded within 5 months after the activity. The aim of this study is to document financial compliance to WHO reform of WHO Zambia with government.Methods: This was a desk review of financial activities from the WHO country office from January to December 2015. Findings and recommendations from the November 2015 External Audit conducted on the financial operations of the WHO Zambia office in the area of implementation and management of Direct Financial Corporation and Direct Implementation were also analysed.Results: The resource allocations were equally distributed between DFCs and DIs during the year of study. The WHO Zambia conducted fortnightly meetings to review DFC and DI status and, monitoring with all Program officers. Of the 34 DFCs issued only three (8%) were submitted late at the beginning of 2015 with progressive improvement thereafter. WHO Zambia received commendation from the Regional Office, a consideration which was corroborated by the External Audit recommendations.Discussion: One of the reasons for reform was financial accountability challenges in the WHO with donors raising concern. The conformity of the WHO Zambia is an attribute. The WHO Zambia implemented the DFC and DI in accordance with WHO guidelines as evidenced by positive Audit recommendation in this area.Conclusion: The regular WHO Zambia tracking of the status of DFCs and DI is a best practice that the other regional Country offices can emulate. This practice if scaled up to the entire region will increase donor trust and confidence.
Databáze: OpenAIRE