Utjecaj faktora nekroze tumora-α (TNF-α) i interleukina-6 (IL-6)na kvalitetu kosti potomaka štakora hranjenih zasićenim masnim kiselinama

Autor: Cvijanović, Olga, Perić Kačarević, Željka, Šnajder, Darija, Marić, Anđela, Bijelić, Nikola, Radić, Radivoje
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: The global epidemic of obesity has become a serious problem because obesity induces many diseases, including hypertension and dyslipidemia that significantly reduce quality of life and have a high mortality rate. Obesity is caused by negative lifestyle habits such as diet with high content of saturated fatty acid and lack of exercise. Obesity induce low-grade systemic inflammation, a key component in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrom that may negatively influence on bone health. Adipose tissue also produces adipokines, which are pleiotropic molecules that not only regulate food intake and energy metabolism, but also are implicated in the complex interactions between fat and bone. Recently it has been shown that the maternal nutritional status during pregnancy and lactation influence the risk of obesity in offspring. The aim was to determine obesity, and to analyze the influence of serum cytokines: TNF-α and IL-6 on lumbar vertebral histomorphometric parameters of the rats offsprings. Ten female Sprague Dawley rats (Rattus Norvegicus), 9 weeks old, were randomly divided in two groups. High content of saturated fatty acid food group (HFD group, n=5) was fed during 6 weeks with high content of saturated fatty acid food, Western diet (17% energy as protein, 43% energy as carbohydrate and 41% energy as fat. Cholesterol was at 0.2% w/w ; Žito d.o.o. Croatia). Control group (CD, n=5) was fed with standard laboratory chow (Mucedolla, Italy). Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as body weight (g)/tibia length (cm²). Cholesterol, glucose and triglyceride levels were measured using commercial enzime kits (Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Osijek University Hospital, Croatia). TNF-alpha and IL-6 a levels in serum were determined using ELISA kits (BioVendor, Laboratorni medicina, Czech republic). The digital photographic images were analyzed using a semiautomatic image analysis system that employed Issa software (VAMS, Zagreb, Croatia). The following bone histomorphometric parameters were used: BV/TV ( %) ; BS/TV (/mm) ; Tb.Th (µm) ; Tb.N (/mm) ; Tb.Sp (µm) ; Ct.Th (µm) ; CV (%).The offsprings of healthy female rats fed with high content of saturated fatty acid food (CD-HFD) had the highest body weight, total cholesterol, IL-6 and TNF-α. This group had the lowest bone volume and trabecular number, but the highest trabecular separation of the lumbar vertebrae. Such result suggests that saturated fatty acid diet deteriorates bone structure and bone mass in rats offsprings.
Databáze: OpenAIRE