Short Term Outcome of different stroke subtypes compared

Autor: Kadojić, D., Dikanović, M., Palić, R., Mišir, M., Kadojić, M., Čandrlić, M., Buljan, K.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2004
Popis: Purpose: to determine the peculiarities of stroke outcome in patients with different stroke subtypes in continental part of Croatia. Methods: study comprised 130 patients, with mean age of 67.33 years, who were treated in two hospitals: Department of neurology, University hospital Osijek and Department of neurology, General hospital Slavonski Brod. Diagnosis was established with brain computed tomography and other appropriate methods. Complications of disease and functional outcome, measured with modified Rankin scale, were analysed. Results: The most common complications of disease were urinar infection, especially in group of cardioembolic strokes and intracerebral hemorrhages (ICH) (41.67% and 30.77%, respectively) and consciousness disturbances (33.33% and 69.23%, respectively). Functional deficit in 30-day period was the worst in patients with ICH and the best in patients with small vessel strokes (SVS). Functional improvement within 30-day period was the best in patients with SVS, and case-fatality was highest in ICH group (37.05%) . Conclusions: The comparison of outcome of different stroke subtypes in Eastern Croatia gave interesting and specific findings which are usefull for clinical prognosis and planing of the medical treatment and prevention of stroke.
Databáze: OpenAIRE