Late Triassic terrestrial phase signature and its correlation through selected Karst Dinaridic sections

Autor: Bucković, Damir, Kurtanjek, Dražen, Mezga, Aleksandar
Přispěvatelé: Horvat, Marija, Matoš, Bojan, Wacha, Lara
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: The Triassic succession of Karst Dinarides is characterized with a significant terrestrial phase caused by the regional uplift of the Adria Microplate. Data collected from studied Karst Dinaridic sections indicate that this uplift occurred most probably during the Late Ladinian. Various intensity of denudation and/or karstification processes affected emergent area forming an uneven palaeorelief surface built up of the exposed remnants ranging from the Lower to the Middle Triassic strata, covered, partly, by the terrestrial deposits. Thus, in the Gorski kotar section the Upper Scythian silty dolomitic limestones ("Campiler Schichten") (ĐURĐANOVIĆ, 1967) are overlain by the Main Dolomite sequence, starting with a few centimeters thick interval of Lower Norian transgressive breccia, containing fragments of the Upper Scythian silty dolomitic limestones. Here, terrestrial phase apparently ranges from the Late Scythian to the Early Norian. In the Baške Oštarije secton after few decimeters thick interval of regressive breccias containing fragments of Anisian limestones, terrestrial phase is marked with few tens of meters thick interval of Ladinian-Carnian fine-grained tuffaceous reddish siltstones, overlain by the whole Main Dolomite sequence. Here, terrestrial phase apparently ranges from the Anisian to the Early Norian. In the Svilaja section, the Upper Ladinian limestones are covered with a few meters thick interval of Upper Norian transgressive breccia, containing fragments with Diplopora annulata Schafhäutl (JELASKA et al., 2003). The breccia interval is overlain by the Main Dolomite sequence reduced in thicknes. Thus, it can be assumed that terrestrial phase ranges here from the Late Ladinian to the Late Norian. In the Vrace section, terrestrial phase is marked with a few tens of meters thick interval of Carnian carbonate bauxites and laterites (ŠINKOVEC, 1970), ending with a few meters thick interval of transgressive breccia, containing fragments of bauxites, laterites and/or Upper Ladinian limestones, overlain by the whole Main Dolomite sequence. Here terrestrial phase ranges from the Late Ladinian to the Early Norian. Therefore, due to an overall, diachronous Norian transgression, the whole emergent area was flooded and shallow- water platform regime was restored. As interplay of various intensity of denudation, karstification and diachronous Norian transgression, respectively, terrestrial phases of apparently various lengths came into being.
Databáze: OpenAIRE