Surgical sympathectomy for complex regional pain syndrome

Autor: Đurić, Željko, Fiolić, Zlatko, Crkvenac, Andrea, Štefančić, Ljiljana, Ehrenfreund, Tin, Majerović, Mate, Tonković, Ivana, Batinica, Stipe
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2006
Popis: Complex regional pain syndrome type I, formerly known as Morbus Sudeck or as reflex sympathetic dystrophy, is a name given to a poorly understood group of symptoms and signs that develop after surgically insignificant limb trauma without obvious nerve injury. Clinical features are spontaneous pain, hyperalgesia, impairment of motor function, swelling, skin changes, changes in sweating and vascular abnormalities that often deteriorate to contracture of affected limb, bone demineralization and can result in loss of limb. We describe an excellent result of lumbar sympathectomy in a young male harbor worker, who had severely contused foot by the heavy object and developed CRPS type I, respectively. Although surgical sympathectomy previously had indications for various conditions, it can be safely performed with good results in selected group of patients. Spontaneous hemopneumothorax is a p condition associated with 0.5% of all spc pneumothoraces. The usual source of ble apical vascular adhesion band. In the past cases of spontaneous pneumothorax we our institution. Four of them, all male, ag years, presented with spontaneous hemo and a blood loss of 1500-3500ml or 25 estimated blood volume. All were succes three by urgent thoracotomy and one by drainage alone.
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