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Sažetak: U radu se ukazuje na značaj inženjerske struke u sustavu upravljanja rizicima kao sastavnici integriranog sustava upravljanja. U novim uvjetima inženjeri bi trebali napustiti okvire tradicionalnog pristupa upravljanja rizicima za kojeg je karakteristična orijentacije na tehničke rizike. Oni trebaju postati aktivnim sudionicima procesa upravljanja rizicima u okviru timova, a ne kao pojedinci. Trebaju biti u mogućnosti izvršiti kompetentnu procjenu rizika i preuzeti odgovornost, usvojiti sustavan i cjelovit pristup upravljanju rizikom, sukladno propisima i pravilima te težiti poboljšanju. U okviru tog procesa nužno je osigurati dobru komunikaciju s ostalim sudionicima uključenim u proces/projekt, osigurati trajan sustav nadzora i kontrole rizika na mjestu događaja i doprinositi javnoj svijesti o riziku. Summary: The paper indicates the importance of the engineering profession in the risk management system. It alludes that the engineers in the new terms of risk management has to depart from the scope of the old approach and orientation on technical risks. They must become active participants, as members of the team, rather than individuals in the risk management process. They must be trained and committed to implement a professional and responsible assessment of the risks and take responsibility, to adopt a systematic and comprehensive approach to risk management, complying with regulations and rules, and be ready to seek further improvements to ensure good communication with others involved in the process/project, to provide a permanent system for monitoring and controlling risks at the site and contribute to public awareness of the risk. |