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Poslovna izvrsnost često se navodi kao cilj. Ako je to cilj, onda se govori o konceptu koji se ne može zaustaviti na činjenici da su ispunjeni zahtjevi zainteresiranih strana u nekom obračunskom razdoblju. Tada se govori o TQM-u (Total Quality Management - Upravljanje potpunom kvalitetom) koji je podložan varijacijama i koji ima razvijene mehanizme stalnog poboljšanja i dokazivanja istog. TQM je dakle i proces. Poslovna izvrsnost ne može biti to isto. Bez obzira kako je nastao ovaj pojam, on sam po sebi mora predstavljati višu fazu razvoja TQM-a. Poslovna izvrsnost bi trebala predstavljati uređeni sustav upravljanja, koji ima sve što i TQM sustav, ali se nalazi u dostignutom visokom stadiju, u kojem visoko uređeni sustav upravljanja nema entropiju. U ovom radu autor istražuje TQM kao fenomen. Rezultat tog istraživanja je predloženi model poslovnog upravljanja u skladu s modelima TQM-a na putu ka poslovnoj izvrsnosti. Business Excellence (BE) often cited as a goal. If the goal is Business Excellence, then it is a talk about the concept which can’t be stopped despite that the requirements of stakeholders in some accounting period are met. In these circumstances it is discuss about TQM - Total Quality Management, which is the subject of variations and which has developed mechanisms of continuous improvement and prove of that. That means TQM is a process, too. Business Excellence can’t be the same. No matter how it was made this term, it alone needs to represent a higher level of development of TQM. Business Excellence would represent ordered management system which has all the same as a TQM, but which is on the achieved higher level on which high ordered management system doesn’t have entropy. In this paper an author researches the TQM as a phenomenon. The result of this research is a proposed business management model in accordance with the TQM models on the way to Business Excellence. |