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Mladi vrhovi smreke se u tradicionalnoj medicini koriste u svježem i osušenom obliku od kojih se izrađuju pripravci protiv prehlade i kašlja, krvarenja desni, te za jačanje organizma. U proljeće se ubiru mladi vrhovi izbojaka za pripremu sirupa i tinktura, za čajeve ili kupke, te su sastojak bombona protiv kašlja. Arome smreke se koriste i u proizvodnji osvježivača prostora. Iglice smreke sadrže eterično ulje s pinenom, limonenom, ravonom i borneolom, smole, te su odličan izvor vitamina C. Istraživana je varijabilnost sadržaja eteričnog ulja mladih izbojaka prirodne populacije smreke osušenih na zraku, na sobnoj temperaturi, te na 40 °C, s pet lokacija različitih nadmorskih visina u Primorsko goranskoj županiji (Bregi (309 m), Zvoneča (504 m), Učka (975 m), Lisina (817 m), Veprinac (554 m). Praćena je kinetika sušenja, te je nakon sušenja određen udio svježih u ukupnoj masi suhih izbojaka. Mladi izbojci smreke sušeni prirodno, na sobnoj temperaturi, sadrže prosječno 0, 504 ml 100 g-1 eteričnog ulja ili 0, 450 ml 100 g-1 vrhova osušenih u sušioniku na 40 °C. Sadržaj eteričnog ulja signifikantno varira između lokacija ubiranja sa max. 1, 0 ml 100 g-1 (Lisina) i min. 0, 25 ml 100g-1 (Zvoneča, Učka i Veprinac). Za 1 kg suhih vrhova smreke (12% vlage) je potrebno prosječno 3, 9 -4, 3 kg svježih izbojaka. Young sprouts of Norway spruce, fresh and also dried, are used in traditional medicine for preparations against colds and cough, bleeding gums, and to strengthen the body. In the spring, young tips of shoots are harvested to prepare syrups and tinctures, teas or the baths, and as ingredient in cough drops. The aromas are also used for air fresheners. The needles contain essential oil with pinene, limonene, ravone and borneol, resins, and are an excellent source of vitamin C. Investigated were the variability of essential oil content in young shoots of Norway spruce from natural populations in Primorsko goranska County originating from five location with different attitude: Bregi (309 m), Zvoneča (504 m), Učka (975 m), Lisina (817 m), Veprinac (554 m). The sprouts were air dried at room temperature and in dryer at 40 ° C, thereby the kinetics of drying ware monitored and the share dry/fresh weight of sprouts were determined. Young shoots of Norway spruce, dried naturally at room temperature, contain an average of 0.504 ml 100 g-1 essential oil, and 0.45 ml 100 g-1 if the sprouts are dried in the dryer at 40 ° C. Furthermore, the content of essential oil varies significantly between locations: max. content were determined in the sprouts from Lisina with 1.0 ml 100 g-1, and an minimum of essential oil content with 0.25 ml 100 g-1 in the sprouts from Zvoneča, Učka and Veprinac. For 1 kg dried sprouts (12% moisture) is needed on average between 3.9 -4.3 kg of fresh shoots. |