Diagnosing nitrogen status of wheat cultivars for yield and quality

Autor: Barraclough, P.B, Shepherd, C, Svečnjak, Zlatko
Přispěvatelé: Li, C.J. et al.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2005
Popis: Four UK winter wheat cultivars of contrasting grain yield and quality potentials were grown at eight rates of nitrogen to see if variety affected critical chlorophyll sensor readings fro grain yield and quality. The nitrogen status of the crops was assessed at booting (for yield) and anthesis (for quality) with a Minolta-SPAD meter and a CropScan Radiometer. There were small cultivar differences in critical SPAD for maximum grain yield, but only between cultivars of extreme quality potential (bread vs. feed). Critical SPAD for bread-making quality differed between the bread cultivars, but the feed varieties failed to reach quality target despite the high SPAD readings. There were no cultivar differences in critical radiometer readings at 550 nm for either grain yield of quality.
Databáze: OpenAIRE