Impact of non-thermal techniques in the processing of coffee silver skin (CS)

Autor: Biondić Fučkar Vedran, Nutrizio Marinela, Grudenić Anamarija, Djekić Ilija, Režek Jambrak Anet
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: The Sustainable Development Guidelines (SDG) encourage use of useful techniques in processes extractions such as Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). Coffee silver skin (CS), as a waste, could be used in the production of new food products. The aim of this research was to isolate proteins and polyphenols using UAE from CS and spectrophotometrically determine their proportions. Three parts of research have been proceeded: ultrasonic extraction, optimization UAE conditions for isolation of proteins and polyphenols from CS and analysis of the amino acid extract obtained under optimal UAE. It is concluded that the highest yields of total polyphenols isolated from the CS using UAE were obtained by applying an amplitude of 75% and a time interval of 9 minutes. The most abundant amino acids in isolated proteins are defined as well. Based on the use of energy, it was obvious that UAE is a promising technology. This concurs with the proposed practice that when non-thermal technologies are analyzed from an environmental point of view, the first common denominator is use of electric energy for running the equipment, related to resource depletion. As expected, CS represents a nutritionally rich raw material with great potential. Quantitative consideration on the environmentally friendly applicability of CS in mass production should be carried out to validate the entire process of developing new product from both economic and environmental aspects.
Databáze: OpenAIRE