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Prevention of child abuse and neglect is a comprehensive and extensive process by which strive to prevent violence against and among children, spot potential victims and those who already were and are and provide them with the necessary help. Brave Phone is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established in 1997. Brave Phone provides counseling services, education and informing through nine programs, all free of charge for users. In its work, primary prevention of child abuse and neglect is carried out by organizing prevention workshops for children, by educating parents and, on the community and society level, by organizing public awareness campaigns based on its own scientific research. Secondary prevention activities primarily aim the development of parental skills through lectures and workshops (for example, workshops for parents in divorce), and prevention through group work with children at free workshops in high-risk communities. Tertiary prevention is carried out through work of Counseling center for children and parents The Power of Family and ChildLine and Parentline, which are the only such helplines in Croatia. This programmes also have a function of secondary prevention because their work contributes to the protection of children from re-traumatization . A total of 2331 children participated in Children's House Borovje since its founding. In 15 years, our volunteers have responded to 120, 578 calls. Counseling center for children and parents The Power of Family provided help to a total of 2480 users. Since, 1997, Brave Phone conducted a numerous campaigns aimed at raising public awareness on child abuse and neglect, bullying and cyberbullying. The experience of Brave Phone and needs of its users confirm that the work of civil society and its development in the community is necessary in providing needed prevention of violence against and among children, but also stresses the necessity of cooperation between governmental and non-governmental sector |