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Croatian Mountain Rescue Service (HGSS) has been facing, for some time now, dramatic increase in number of accidents and field interventions in different regions of Republic of Croatia. Together with the increase in numbers of tourists, enthusiasts, mountaineers and alpine climbers there was a rise in a number of incidents and accidents that were in most cases caused by a loss of spatial orientation. In order to maintain the capacity to rescue those in need. Such like situation has required from HGSS to put a lot of effort and significant resources in maintenance and improvement of their spatial orientation capabilities. As Croatian State Geodetic Administration (SGA) is a leading organization in Croatia in the field of cartography and as it continuously produces the official topographic maps, the Agreement on long-term cooperation in the field of official and thematic cartography was accepted in 2008, between the two parties, to facilitate the increased requirements for provision of Search and Rescue (SAR) service in Republic of Croatia. Based on the before-mentioned agreement, SGA delivers to HGSS the official topographic maps in scale 1: 5000, 1: 25000, digital model of relief (DTM), and digital orthophoto maps in 1: 5000 scale. HGSS uses those products as a basis for their own thematic maps of individual areas, where they also ad additional data (i.e. mountain paths, foot trails, caves, …) that may be of interest to prospective visitors. HGSS thematic maps, produced on basis of SGA official maps, depict an accurate and high-quality representation of terrain features. Following the production of their thematic maps, HGSS notifies the SGA of any changes they have spotted during their field reconnaissance. As it is customary for HGSS to operate in the remote areas of mountainous and difficult to access terrain, such like input represents the significant and very valuable source of information that provides important contribution to the quality of official SGA map products. |