Molecular analysis of herpesviral gene products recognized by protective cytolytic T lymphocytes

Autor: Koszinowski, H. Ulrich, Reddehase, Mathias , Keil, G.M., Volkmer, H., Jonjić, Stipan, Messerle, Martin, del Val, Margerita, Mutter, Wolfgang, Munch, K., Buhler, B.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1987
Popis: The infection of the mouse with murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) served as a model system to understand the biology of human CMV infection. The contribution of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) to the recovery from infection was studied. Protection against lethal MCMV disease could be conferred on immunodepleted hosts by adoptive transfer of lymphocytes. The antiviral effect was mediated by specifically sensitized T lymphocytes of the CD8+ subset. These cells limited viral spread, prevented tissue destruction by viral cytopathic effects, and protected from lethal disease. Transferred cells have protective therapeutic function even when the virus has already colonized host tissues. CD8+ cells do not require the contribution of CD4+ cells for in vivo function. Selective expression of immediate-early (IE) phase genes in target cells allowed the detection of the immunodominant IE antigen recognized by CTL. The major IE gene ieI encodes a non- structural viral phosphoprotein, pp89, which resides in the nucleus of infected cells where it acts as transcriptional regulator. Expression of gene ieI is under temporal control, and membrane presentation of the protein domain detected by CTL is down-regulated by MCMV early-phase products. A recombinant vaccinia virus expressing gene ieI induced immunity that protected mice against a subsequent challenge with a lethal dose of MCMV. The protective effect was entirely mediated by CD8+ T lymphocytes. Thus, an experimental vaccine expressing a single nonstructural herpesvirus protein can induce a protective cellular immune response.
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