Adapting to the life in technosphere: human-technology coexistence and the changing nature of life and work in a high-tech culture

Autor: Mičunović, Milijana
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Technosphere is defined as a novel ecosystem in which nature and technology are intertwined in a more symbiotic way. Though the term itself can create methodological and theoretical confusion and some scientists find it misleading, in this presentation it is used to describe the impact cutting-edge technology and high-tech innovations have on human society ; impact that leads to a more sophisticated and interdependent, as well as faster and more extreme technological, economic, and social changes. The question is how do we navigate this uncharted technological landscape of increasing automation, algorithmization, uberization and other phenomena that change our individual and collective lives, economic and social systems, life conditions and work circumstances, thus eventually determining our life chances. Based on social and critical theory, philosophical anthropology and philosophical posthumanism, extensive review of literature and current research focused on new disruptive technologies, the changing nature of work, upcoming social change, and the ever growing human-technology interaction, this presentation will focus on how to approach these challenges in a more nuanced manner, with more awareness, more calm and more balance, all the while recognizing how we, as individuals and as a society, can contribute to fruitful coexistence of organisms and algorithms, to successful public debate and good decision making, and to unlocking the technology for good and for positive social change.
Databáze: OpenAIRE