Timpanična, frontalna i aksilarna temperatura u djece

Autor: Antabak, Anko, Šiško, Jerko, Romić, Ivan, Papeš, Dino, Pasini, Miram, Halužan, Damir, Bogović, Marko, Sršen Medančić, Suzana, Ćavar, Stanko, Luetić, Tomislav, Fuchs, Nino, Andabak, Matej, Prlić, Ivica, Ćurković, Selena
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: Summary.The purpose of this study was to compare the results or body temperature measurements obtained by standard axillary thermometers with the results of infrared tympanic and frontal ski n thermometry in afebrile children. This study comprises a single- center, prospective comparison trial. A total or' 345 afebrile children aged 4 to 16 years hospitalized in the pediatric surgery department for elective surgery were included. One thousand axillary, tympanic and frontal measure­ ments were obtained and compared. We used two different infrurcd thermometers in this study ; one type measured the tympanic temperature, the other the temperature on the forehead. The axillary temperature measured with the glass ther­ mometer was set as the standard. Each patient was exposed to a constant environmental temperature for a minimum of I0 min before simultaneous temperature measurements. The mean frontal temperature 36.9± 0.38 °C was equal to the axillary temperature 36.9± 0.16 °C. The mean tympanic temperature wns 36.3 ± 0.98 °C. The mean difference between the tym­ panic and axillary temperatures was -0.4 °C. The tympanic temperature had a threefold greater dispersion than fr-ontal and a fivefold greater dispersion than axillary temperature. The results or this study suggest that the axillary temperature mea­ sured with glass thermometer has the least dispersion. Somewhat less reliable is the frontal temperature-measured with infrared thermometer. The least reliable is tympanic temperatun: measurement
Databáze: OpenAIRE