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U radu se obrađuju neuobičajene smrti od kojih su katolici s područja gornjeg toka Vrbasa (Uskoplje) i Rostova umirali od 1755. do 1883. g. Nastao je temeljem matičnih knjiga Župa Skopje, Gornji Vakuf te Samostalne kapelanije / Župe Malo Selo (Bugojno). U sastavu Župe Skopje bili su i katolici Kupreške visoravni koji su 1755. g. izdvojeni u samostalnu kapelaniju. Katolici središnjeg i sjevernog Uskoplja izdvajaju se 1844. g. iz Župe Skopje u samostalnu kapelaniju, a 1858. g. i katolici Rostova i Sebešića. Oni iz središnjeg Uskoplja s desne strane Vrbasa organizirani su u samostalnu kapelaniju 1875. g. Samostalne kapelanije vode vlastite matične knjige od samog osnutka. U radu nema podataka o katolicima Rostova od 1858. do 1883. te Golog Brda od 1875. do 1883. jer su tijekom pustošenja tih župa od strane Armije Bosne i Hercegovine u srpnju 1993. g. nestale i njihove najstarije matične knjige. Katolici su u navedeno vrijeme najviše umirali od kuge, kolere i boginja. No, smrtonosne su bile i srdobolja, proljev, groznica i sl. Više desetaka žena preminulo je u porodu, odnosno od postporodnih komplikacija. Smrt je nastupala i kao posljedica duševnih, odnosno neuroloških oboljenja. Umiralo se i od upalâ, skorbuta, grlobolje, čireva, sifilisa i sl. Više desetaka katolika je ubijeno – najviše od strane muslimana, uključujući i žena i djece. Neki su umirali u osmanlijskoj vojsci ili u službi osmanlijskih dužnosnika. Za pojedine su kobne bile životinje, dok su drugi živote gubili u snježnim lavinama, vodama Vrbasa ili njegovih pritoka, u požarima, ili ih je grom ubio. Neki su bez života ostajali dok su sjekli drva u šumi, padali sa stabala ili pod točkovima volovskih kola prevozeći ljetinu. Neki su zdravi usnuli a mrtvi osvanuli. The paper presents the unnatural deaths which the Catholics from the Vrbas headwaters (Uskoplje) and Rostovo plateau area in Central Bosnia, died of from 1755 to 1883. The findings are based on the parish Death registers of the Parish of Skopje and the Local Chaplaincy / Parish of Malo Selo. The Catholics of the Kupres plateau belonged to the Skopje Parish up until 1755, which then became a Local Chaplaincy and in 1802 was created a Parish. An independent Local Chaplaincy Malo Selo was established in 1844 for the Catholics of the central and northern Vrbas headwaters, which in 1858 become a parish. That same year a Local Chaplaincy for the Catholics of Rostovo plateau was established, which lies between the Vrbas headwaters and Lasva valley, that was transformed into a parish in 1862. For the Catholics of the central part of Uskoplje, on the right side of the Vrbas river, the Local Chaplaincy of Golo Brdo was established in 1875, which became a parish in 1879. From their very foundation the independent Chaplaincies kept their own registers. Data on the Kupres plateau Catholics is unavailable due to the fact that in 1943 the parish registers of the Kupres Parishes were destroyed by the communist partisans. Those of Rostovo (from 1858 to 1883) and Golo Brdo (from 1875 to 1883), are also missing as they disappeared during the ravaging of these parishes by the Islamic Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina in July 1993. Most victims died from the plague, cholera and smallpox, but diseases such as dysentery, diarrhoea and fever were also registered. Dozens of women died during childbirth or from post-childbirth complications. Some deaths came by mental disorders (insanity, feeblemindedness), neurological disorders (stroke, epilepsy). Death also occurred due to inflammation, scurvy, sore throat, ulcers, syphilis etc. Some of the Catholics met death from assassins, including women and children. Some Catholics were killed by the Ottoman troops or in the service of the Ottoman officials. Some Catholics were killed by animals (snakes, horses, oxen), while others lost their lives in snow avalanches, the waters of the Vrbas river and its confluents, in fires or were killed by lightning. Several of them died in the woods while woodcutting, or fell from trees or under the wheels of carts. Some fell sound asleep at night and appeared dead in the morning. |