The challenge of attracting and retaining tech professionals – applying total rewards perspective

Autor: Klindžić, Maja, Načinović Braje, Ivana, Nožica, Ines
Přispěvatelé: Sever Mališ, Sanja, Načinović Braje, Ivana, Jaković, Božidar
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: IT experts have been known for their unique position in the labour market for a couple of decades. Given their scarce supply but ever- growing demand, employers find attracting and retaining IT experts as a great challenge and a problem due to their weak loyalty to employers. Among solutions proposed in literature to resolve this situation is the reward system. In this study we take the perspective of total reward model (TRM) which integrates both material and non-material rewards into a single system that should results in improved employee attraction and retention efforts. The empirical study was conducted on 157 IT experts in Croatia who rated the importance of various elements of the model – the direct and indirect material rewards, the learning and development rewards and the work environment rewards. Research results indicate that, apart from base salary at least at the market level, IT experts highly value work environment in terms of organizational culture and trusting leadership as well as learning and development rewards which are related to job design and performance appraisal. Several differences were detected in assigning importance to TRM elements with respect to socio-demographic characteristics, which mostly imply that special consideration should be given to different employee groups. This tailored approach is especially relevant for attracting and retaining students who have already become a significant portion of today’s IT workforce.
Databáze: OpenAIRE