Analiza alarma u elektroenergetskom sustavu bazirana na ekspertnom sustavu

Autor: Kaluđer, Slaven, Miletić, Saša, Nikolovski, Srete
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Popis: The occurrence of fault is an unwanted situation in electric power systems where certain network parts detach themselves from the remaining unaffected part of the network. The relay protection system has a task to isolate the faulty units or zone. When a certain protection level is being triggered alarms are sent to the transformer station and the dispatcher centre. These alarms reach the dispatcher centre in a short period of time which can lead the dispatcher to confusion and possible mistakes. To ease the dispatcher's position, an alarm processor is introduced. The alarm processor uses an expert system as its computer programme in the whole spectrum of variations. The analysed alarms are the ones being triggered while the TS 35/10 kV Istok is detaching from the rest of the electric power system. The objective of this project is to analyse alarms which have appeared in the dispatcher centre during the detachment of the TS 35/10 kV Istok, by using the expert system method. Final results have confirmed the section and cause of the TS 35/10 kV Istok detachment from the rest of the electric power systemelektroenergetskog sustava.
Databáze: OpenAIRE