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U posljednje vrijeme, jedna od često korištenih brzorastućih vrsta u kulturama kratkih ophodnji je paulovnija. Takvim nasadima moguće je proizvesti značajne količine drvne tvari u relativno kratkom vremenskom razdoblju koja se može iskoristiti kao energent i deblovina za daljnju mehaničku obradu. Istraživanje je provedeno u nasadima Paulownia elongata x Paulownia fortunei RBTC15 na području Požeško-slavonske županije u vrijeme mirovanja vegetacije. Provedena su terenska mjerenja i uzorkovanja klona RBTC15 na sedam poljoprivrednih parcela koje predstavljaju pokusne plohe, a različite su po starosti i rasporedu sadnje. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi proizvodni potencijal te fizikalne i kemijske značajke drva paulovnije. Izmjerene su osnovne dimenzije 210 stabala (prsni promjer i visina). Volumen debla utvrđen je metodom sekcioniranja, a vaganjem je utvrđena biomasa nadzemnog i podzemnog dijela stabla te su prikupljeni uzorci za laboratorijske analize. Laboratorijske analize provedene su s ciljem određivanja masenog udjela vode, pepela, ugljika, dušika, vodika, sumpora i kisika te kalorične vrijednosti. Najveći maseni udio pepela utvrđen je u korijenu (3, 9±0, 8 %), dok je najmanji udio u krošnji (1, 7±0, 3 %). Udio ugljika prosječno je iznosio 48, 2±0, 6 %. Ukupna masa suhe tvari nadzemnog dijela stabla kretala se od 0, 40 t/ha mase suhe tvari za starost jedne godine do 27, 19 t/ha za starost tri godine. Abstract Recently, one of the frequently used fast-growing species in short rotation crops is Paulownia. With such plantations, it is possible to produce significant amounts of wood in a relatively short period of time, which can be used as an energy source and roundwood for further mechanical processing. Research was conducted on Paulownia elongata x Paulownia fortunei RBTC15 plantations in the Požeško-slavonska county during the period of rest of the vegetation. Field measurements and sampling of clone RBTC15 were done on seven agricultural plots representing experimental plots, different in age and planting distance. The aim of this paper is to determine the production potential and physical and chemical characteristics of paulownia wood. The basic dimensions of 210 trees (diameter at breast high and height) were measured. The volume of the trunk was determined by the sectioning method and the biomass of the above- ground and underground parts of the tree was determined by weighing, and samples were collected for laboratory analysis. Laboratory analyzes were done with the aim of determining the moisture content, ash, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen content, as well as the calorific value. The higher ash content was found in the roots (3.9±0.8%), while the smallest ash content was in the crown (1.7±0.3%). The average carbon content was 48.2±0.6%. The total tree's above-ground dry mass ranged from 0.40 t/ha for the age of one year to 27.19 t/ha for the age of three years. |