Historical and Contemporary Prefabrication in Croatia

Autor: Jaklenec, Tajana
Přispěvatelé: Batzeli, Anna, Pál, Victor, Závodná, Michaela
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: When a strong earthquake hit Croatia in 2020, prefabricated architecture came into the first plan again. After each crisis in history, there was a similar response. The thesis of the poster is that a common response to the crisis in Croatia is the application of prefabricated systems which moves technology forward but has a solid historical background. Despite the rich history and knowledge of prefabricated systems in Croatia, it was omitted from the curriculum of the Faculty of Architecture, at the University of Zagreb for almost 15 years. After the earthquakes in Zagreb and Petrinja, the topic became current, and the prefabrication became an elective topic within the compulsory course Architecture and Technology. Two seminar groups during two semesters were researching prefabricated systems using three methodologies. First method: using professional magazines and construction company magazines students analysed historical prefab systems from various decades, and using catalogues, lectures and field studies to production plants they analysed current contemporary prefab systems in Croatia. Second method: designing a small living unit using prefab systems by studying contemporary prefab systems. Third method: mapping of prefab buildings using digital tools with the result of the interactive map – a conceptual bridge between the knowledge and technology. All three methods showed: during 1950 mostly concrete and panel prefab systems were used in housing, during 1960s wooden panel prefab systems were used in crises responses, during 1970-80s and 1990s again concrete systems. From the 2000s onwards dominate wooden and stell systems which use high IT technology that allows greater customization and individual design approach. Conclusion: application of prefab systems in crisis situations is indeed the best practice in such situations. Mentioned case studies confirm technology generates forward relying on the foundations of historical systems (knowledge) and individualization.
Databáze: OpenAIRE