Improving the production and content of Cochrane podcasts: a Croatian case study

Autor: Zakarija-Grković, Irena, Behmen, Dalibora, Umoquit Muriah
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Background: Since 2016, Cochrane Croatia has been involved in the translation and recording of Cochrane podcasts, thanks to two grants received from the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education for the ‘Popularisation of Science’. So far, 34 translated podcasts have been published, and 55 are underway, involving members of Cochrane Croatia, partner organisations, postgraduate students from the University of Split School of Medicine, language editors, a recording artist, a sound artist from a local radio station and Cochrane’s Web Operations Manager. Objectives: To explore the experience of all involved in the translating/recording of Croatian Cochrane podcasts and provide best practices and lessons learnt to the larger Cochrane community. Methods: We compiled a three-page, 22-item questionnaire, including seven open questions, covering the following topics: 1) awareness of Cochrane podcasts prior to involvement in the translation project ; 2) reasons for involvement ; 3) time commitment ; 4) satisfaction with different stages of the production process ; 5) satisfaction with podcast content, format and length ; 6) suggestions for improvement of podcast production process and content ; 7) intended audience and general comments. After obtaining approval from the School of Medicine Ethics Committee, the survey was sent via Survey Monkey to all individuals involved in any capacity in the translation, recording and/or publication of Croatian Cochrane podcasts. Reminder emails will be sent every two weeks over the course of one month. Data will be entered into Excel spreadsheets and analysed using descriptive statistics and qualitative methods. Results: To be presented at the Cochrane Colloquium in Edinburgh. Conclusions: With this case study of the production and translation of Cochrane podcasts, we hope to provide insight on the best practice areas where improvements can be made. This information will be useful to all Cochrane groups looking to recruit translators or those looking to fine-tune the content and process of podcasts across all langauages. Patient or healthcare consumer involvement: Given the central role of patients/consumers in healthcare and the use of Cochrane evidence, consumers were involved in Cochrane Croatia’s podcast translation project from the outset.
Databáze: OpenAIRE