Large Disturbance in Croatian Power System Resuting in Transient Instability and Outages of Three Major Thermal Units

Autor: Stojsavljević, Milan, Nemec, Darko, Radić, Šime, Čerina, Zdeslav, Rubeša, Radenko, Cvjetković, Nikola
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2004
Popis: An analysis of a large disturbance in the Croatian power system as a part of UCTE interconnection is presented in the paper. The disturbance, initiated by the three-phase fault on the 220 kV transmission line TPP "Rijeka" – S/S Melina, caused transient instability of three generating units at TPP Rijeka (376 MVA), TPP Plomin 1 (150 MVA) and TPP Plomin 2 (247 MVA), resulting in a loss of nearly 500 MW of generation. Available recordings from the real power system as well as dynamic simulation results have been used in analysis and physical explanation of the disturbance. The sequence of events has been reconstructed based on recordings of instantaneous values of currents and voltages obtained from numerical line protections in the local 220 kV network and information gathered from data loggers at power plants as well as snapshots of the power system steady state from the DAM (Dispatcher Network Analysis) software at the national dispatching centre (NDC) in Zagreb. The disturbance was then simulated on a multimachine dynamic model of the power system. Rather good accordance between simulation results and available recordings of currents and voltages from the real system has been achieved, making it possible to conclude unequivocally that the generating units at TPP Rijeka, TPP Plomin 1 and TPP Plomin 2 had all lost synchronism. The operation security of Croatian power system was therefore violated with respect to transient and voltage stability criteria. The extent and impact of the disturbance are discussed on basis of the analysis results and further activities concerning protection coordination are suggested.
Databáze: OpenAIRE