Autor: Kovač, Zoran, Uhač, Ivone, Kovačević, Daniela, Gržić, Renata, Delić, Zdravko, Borčić, Josipa
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2002
Popis: Objective of investigation: The aim of the study was to determine antherior tooth relationship (overbite and overjet) according to the type of occlusion (canine guided, group function). Methods: A total of 111 test subjects (56 men and 55 women, average 23, 9 years of age) were examined, and it was estimated they have occlusional conception. The relationship of front teeth in position of maximum intercuspidation was evaluated by movable meter. Results: Analysing received results of vertical overjet and horizontal overbite of the front teeth, we have come to the conclusion that there is significant statistic difference in size of vertical overjet concidering occlusional conception (t=6, 669, p=0, 00001). Average value of vertical overjet at examinees with occlusion lead by eyetooth was 2, 22+0, 09 mm, while at examinees with group function was 1, 58+0, 26 mm. Analysing vertical overjet concidering the gender, we haven't got any significant statistic difference. Compering results of horizontal overbite of frontal teeth concidering occlusional conception and gender, we haven't received any significant statistic difference between those groups. Average value of horizontal overjet was 1, 62+0, 29 mm. Conclusion: Subjects with canine guided occlusion have significantly and statisticly bigger overjet of front teeth.
Databáze: OpenAIRE