Multiscale GIS based Analysis of Urban Green Spaces Accessibility - Case Study of Sisak (Croatia)

Autor: Šiljeg, Silvija, Rina, Milošević, Edita, Vilić
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: By the year 2050, two-thirds of the world population will live in urban areas. Therefore the quality of life in cities has become the object of numerous research papers. One of the basic elements of satisfying the quality of life is the accessibility of urban green spaces (UGS). In this paper accessibility of UGS for the city of Sisak (Croatia) has been analysed. Based on the fact that Sisak is traditionally an industrial type of town, the optimal distribution of UGS has the potential to ease the negative effects of urbanization and industrialization. Accessibility analysis was performed according to guidelines of ANGst (Accessible Natural Greenspace Standard) methodology. The research is conducted at a multiscale level (based on GIS analysis). The primary spatial database of UGS for the city of Sisak was created using the supervised classification method of Sentinel-2A images and vectorization of high-resolution digital orthophoto (DOP). Accessibility zones were generated using the Network Analyst extension. Results show that the basic ANGst standard of UGS accessibility is not satisfactory throughout the city. To get more detailed results we suggest using the very high- resolution satellite imagery or aerial photogrammetry.
Databáze: OpenAIRE