Single Adults' Perceptions of a Singles-Friendly Work Culture, Work-Life Balance, Job Performance, and Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Autor: Šimunić, Ana, Fartek, Maja, Antonio, Audrey, Garraio, Carolina, Joergensen, Kathrine
Přispěvatelé: Pačić-Turk, Ljiljana, Žutić, Maja
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Given the increasing number of singles and alternative forms of family, it is considered necessary to further identify the personal and contextual characteristics that may contribute to the experience of interfering with or enriching one's life roles and the consequences of conflicts or role facilitation for psychological well-being in these groups. The aim of this study was to examine differences in perceptions of a singles- friendly work culture, work-life balance, job performance, and well-being in single childless employed adults according to the (in)voluntariness of their singlehood during the COVID-19 pandemic. Relations of perceptions of a singles-friendly workplace with assessments of work-life balance, well-being, and job performance were also examined, and recovery experiences, organizational commitment and some work and living circumstances were also taken into account. The main assumption was that the work culture is perceived as less singles-friendly and work-life balance is lower among involuntary single people. The relations of perceptions of a singles- friendly work culture with work-life balance, well- being, and job performance were expected to be lower among voluntary singles. The study involved a total of 722 employed single adults from Croatia, Italy, Portugal, and Denmark. Self-assessments and assessments of situational characteristics in the form of scales/questionnaires were applied online. The results showed that voluntary singles (n=209 ; those who are single by choice and prefer a single lifestyle) had a higher level of work-life balance, well-being, and recovery experiences than involuntary singles (n=513 ; those who state uncontrollable reasons for their singlehood). The groups did not differ in their perceptions of the four examined factors of a single-friendly work culture. The factors of equal access to benefits, equal work opportunities, and respect for non-work roles all positively correlated to well- being and work-life balance in both groups, while equal work expectations and the perception of equal treatment during the pandemic only correlated to the mentioned variables in the involuntary singles group. All of the factors positively correlated with the examined aspects of job performance in both groups, although there were some minor differences regarding the different aspects (social and technical). The results of this research show the importance of organizations taking into account the life roles and equally valuing the work of their single employees, which was also indicated in some open- ended responses given in the questionnaire.
Databáze: OpenAIRE