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The catchment of the Jadro and Žrnovnica springs has a crucial importance as a water resouces for Split and neighboring coastal and inland inhabited areas. The whole region is composed of carbonate rocks, mainly well permeable Mesozoic, Eocene and Perms limestones, dolomites and impermeable lower Triassic clastic deposits and Eocene flysch. Previous, very valuable studies mainly were focused on regional hydrologic or hydrogeologic evaluations or some particular issues within the catchments related to environmental or groundwater protection. Recent anthropogenic pressures in inland part of recharge area and increasing trends of some contaminant content in spring waters initiated a comprehensive study which included detailed geological, morphological, structural, hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical and environmental isotope research. The main aim of this study is to prepare baselines for managing the quantity and a quality of groundwater resources. Basic previous knowledge about the study area was analyzed, summarized and interrelated with incorporation of new obtained data of geological, morphological, structural, hydrological, and hydrogeological part of study especially new tracing tests and hydrogeochemical results. During the last two years continuous monitoring of hydrogeochemical and environmental isotope where performed on monitored springs. The use of obtained hydrogeochemical and environmental isotope data enabled new knowledge of groundwater origin and flow and recharge mechanism within the study catchment. Groundwater resources in karst areas are one of the most fragile environments of the world. Continuously increasing natural influences, caused by world wide climate changes especially in Mediterranean region, and recent anthropogenic impact, obligate an intensive consideration of all influences connected with such a valuable water resource. For this purpose, the recharge area of the springs, Jadro and Žrnovnica, will be the first in the Croatian karst region with hydrogeological guidelines and designed quantity and quality monitoring system suitable for further groundwater management. |