Alcohol and traffic fataly in Zagreb from 2001 to 2009 and law traffic security

Autor: Nestić, Marina, Kovačić, Zdravko
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Popis: The data extracted from Archive of Department of Forensic Medicine and Criminology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb concerning the victims of traffic accidents have been processed. All traffic accidents have occurred in Zagreb in the period between beginning of 2001 and June 09th, 2009. All the victims died immediately or very soon after a traffic accident. The traffic victims have been divided according to participating to drivers, passengers, motor-cyclists, cyclists and pedestrians. The correlation depending to blood alcohol concentration and sex and age have been analyzed. During that period The Law of traffic security has been changed twice. Before August 20th, 2004, there was allowed driving with blood alcohol concentration up to 0, 50g/kg. Between August 20th, 2004 and June 09th, 2008 there was completely banned use of alcohol beverages for drivers. After June 09th, 2008 there was allowed driving with blood alcohol concentration up to 0, 50g/kg again. According to legislation changes we divided data into the three periods and compared them.
Databáze: OpenAIRE