A review of aeronautical fatigue investigations in Finland March 2015 - March 2017

Autor: Viitanen, Tomi, Varis, Piritta, Siljander, Aslak
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Viitanen, T, Varis, P & Siljander, A 2017, A review of aeronautical fatigue investigations in Finland March 2015-March 2017 . VTT Research Report, no. VTT-CR-02002-17, ICAF National Review-Finland, no. 2433, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland . < https://publications.vtt.fi/julkaisut/muut/2017/ICAF_Doc2433_Finland_Review_2017.pdf >
Popis: This document was prepared for the delivery to the 35th Conference of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity scheduled to be held in Nagoya, Japan on 5-6 June 2017. A review is given of the aircraft structural fatigue research and associated activities which form part of the programs within the Finnish Air Force Command (AFCOMFIN), the Finnish Defence Force Logistics Command, Joint Systems Centre (FINLOGCOM JSC), Air Systems Division; Aalto University; Emmecon Ltd; Finflo Ltd; Patria Aviation Oy; Trueflaw Ltd; Tampere University of Technology; and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT). The review summarizes fatigue related research programs and investigations on specific military fixed wing aircraft since the previous Finnish National Review (presented in the 34th Conference, ICAF, Helsinki, Finland) up to March 2017.
Databáze: OpenAIRE