Gas emissions from pressurized fluidized bed combustion of solid fuels

Autor: Hippinen, Ilkka, Lu, Yong, Jahkola, Antero, Laatikainen, Jaana, Nieminen, Matti
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Hippinen, I, Lu, Y, Jahkola, A, Laatikainen, J & Nieminen, M 1991, Gas emissions from pressurized fluidized bed combustion of solid fuels . in FBC technology and the environmental challenge : Proceedings of the Institute of Energy's Fifth International Fluidized Combustion Conference . Adam Hilger, Bristol, pp. 281-292, The Institute of Energy's 5th International Fluidized Combustion Conference, London, United Kingdom, 10/12/91 .
Databáze: OpenAIRE