Road Transport Automation:Roadmap and Action plan 2016-2020

Autor: Lumiaho, Aki, Malin, Fanny
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Lumiaho, A & Malin, F 2016, Road Transport Automation : Roadmap and Action plan 2016-2020 . Research Reports of the Finnish Transport Agency, no. 19eng/2016, Finnish Transport Agency, Helsinki . < >
Popis: Road transport automation is progressing at speed by utilizing the functionalities of both existing and emerging driver assistance systems and vehicle sensors. Automation advances by integrating the afore mentioned systems into unified wholes. The Ministry of Transport and Communications has made a policy declaration that Finland is at the forefront of preparation for automated driving and of utilizing the possibilities it offers. The road map and action plan for road transport automatisation were drawn up by representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Finnish Transport Safety Agency (Trafi), the Finnish Transport Agency, and the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT Ltd). Stakeholder workshops were also organised for public and private transport sector stakeholders – a total of over a hundred organisations. The aim was to work with the project group to draw up a road map for promoting and facilitating automated driving in Finland until 2020, and to draft an action plan for promotion and facilitating automated driving in Finland in 2016–2020. The report examines and offers an introduction into automated driving and the activities it requires. The report will be utilized in facilitating road transport automatisation. It was drawn up by consultants and experts, and its proposals for activities and their implementation methods and timetables do not represent the official views of the Ministry of Transport and Communications or the other participating agencies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE