Monitoring living facilities by multichannel radar

Autor: Kiuru, Tero, Metso, Mikko, Hirvonen, Mervi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Kiuru, T, Metso, M & Hirvonen, M Aug. 13 2019, Monitoring living facilities by multichannel radar, Patent No. FI20185127 .
Popis: According to an example aspect, there is provided a method comprising scanning a field of view using a plurality of radar channels of a multichannel radar, generating, a radar image on the basis of results of the scanning, wherein the radar image comprises image units comprising phase information, and determining, by the radar or the processing unit connected to the radar, a presence of moving targets within the field of view of the radar on the basis of phase and/or amplitude changes of the image units between scans, wherein the field of view being scanned within a frequency range from 30 to 300 GHz, the image units comprising amplitude information, and identifying from the radar image, by the radar or the processing unit connected to the radar, separate sets of image units on the basis of the amplitude and/or phase information of the image units.Patent family as of 22.12.2021CN111712730 A 20200925 CN201980013064 20190208 EP3752862 A1 20201223 EP20190705777 20190208 FI128332 B 20200331 FI20180005127 20180212 FI20185127 A 20190813 FI20180005127 20180212 JP2021513653 T2 20210527 JP20200543038T 20190208 KR20200106074 A 20200910 KR20207022862 20190208 US2020408898 AA 20201231 US20190969202 20190208 WO19155125 A1 20190815 WO2019FI50096 20190208Link to currentpatent family on right
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