Bedrock model of the Veitsivaara area:Summary report

Autor: Ahokas, Henry, Kuivamäki, Aimo, Kurimo, Maija, Anttila, Pekka, Front, Kai, Pitkänen, Petteri, Korkealaakso, Juhani, Vaittinen, Tiina
Přispěvatelé: Saksa, Pauli
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Saksa, P (ed.), Ahokas, H, Kuivamäki, A, Kurimo, M, Anttila, P, Front, K, Pitkänen, P, Korkealaakso, J & Vaittinen, T 1993, Bedrock model of the Veitsivaara area : Summary report . YJT Report, no. 93-17, Voimayhtiöiden ydinjätetoimikunta, Helsinki .
Popis: Site investigations were carried out at Veitsivaara, in 1987-1991 in accordance with an investigation programme for radioactive waste disposal drawn up by Teollisuuden Voima Oy (TVO). The site was modelled in terms of rock types, fracturing, fracture structures and geophysical conditions, the main focus of examination was on fracturing and associated hydraulic conductivity. The various properties of the bedrock structures were classified by means a three-dimensional model. The descriptions of the models were stored in a computer system for illustration purposes. The rock types at Veitsivaara are tonalite gneiss, Tuliniemet potassium granite, amphipolite, granite porphyry and metadiabase, the last two of which occur in dykes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE