General report 4:Methodologies and test methods for service life prediction

Autor: Pihlajavaara, Sven, Rautiainen, Liisa, Saarimaa, Juho, Sneck, Tenho, Vihavainen, Tuija
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1984
Zdroj: Pihlajavaara, S, Rautiainen, L, Saarimaa, J, Sneck, T & Vihavainen, T 1984, General report 4 : Methodologies and test methods for service life prediction . in Third International Conference on the Durability of Building Materials and Components : Troisieme colloque international sur la durabilite des materiaux et des elements de construction . vol. 4, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo, VTT Symposium, no. 51, pp. 89-179, Third International Conference on the Durability of Building Materials and Components, Espoo, Finland, 12/08/84 .
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